1. Make sure you learn in a systematic manner
Many people attempt learning an instrument and go online to platforms like Youtube and just watch many videos in a random order. When you do this, confusion is bound to set in.
It is highly recommended that you get a very good teacher that would guide you on what to learn, when to learn and how you should learn them.
2. Be disciplined with your practice time
Mastery over you instrument/skill is not based on how many years you’ve had the skill but how much time you’ve invested in it. A man who practices an hour a day consistently for a year would be better than someone who has been playing for 3 years but rehearses only when he/she feels like. Therefore, make sure you set a time and be disciplined with it.
3. Have a quest for knowledge
It is important that you always have a quest for knowledge in your musical craft. Therefore, you must develop curiosity to learn new stuff at all times. If you listen to a song and find something that fascinates you, make sure you try to ask questions from your music teacher/mentor and research deeply into it.
4. Strive for mastery
It is important that you are seen as one who doesn’t just have an idea on a subject but is seen as a master of that subject. When you learn a new topic or concept, make sure you understand it perfectly and you rehearse that concept until you can boast that you have mastered it. Once you adopt this approach consistently to everything you learn you’d be seen as a master and authority in your field.
5. Have a group of friends that are learning your instrument
It is important to have like minds that you exchange ideas with, ask questions and encourage to keep learning your instrument. This way, learning your instrument would be much more engaging and interesting.